The deocrating is especially sticky if you are on a limited budget and can't just go buy some new curtains or decor. Making do with what you have on hand is always a fun challenge to me!
With this most recent move, I was faced with many such challenges!
Three of which I will address here....
(1) The master bedroom is big but it also has 3 BIG windows so a place to put the bed became an instance "head scratcher" . The situation is made more more difficult because my husband has a very large desk/hutch that needs to go in the bedroom also. The only solution came in putting the bed under the smallest window. I dislike beds under windows! But as our bed does not have a headboard (never really got the money and the "find" to coincide) it was low enough to fit and looked passable temporarily..
(2) Dilemma #2 is caused by those same 3 big windows. I have never had that many of that size to contend with, so do not have matching curtains for that.
(3) A huge mirror that is a prize possession of mine usually has hung above a mantel or the piano. There is no mantel in this house and the only spot for the piano was on a basement family room wall that is concrete. So hanging the mirror became an issue.
We searched the house for another spot for the mirror. There were four options that presented themselves as big enough but three were immediately ruled out because of conflicting decor or furniture. We settled on the entry hall but as it is quite narrow the mirror, instead of enlarging it , only seemed to close it in more.
Roaming throught the house , thinking, thinking, and looking through my curtain stash, thinking, thinking; I came up with an idea!
If I can somehow come up with a window treatment that doubles as a headboard or bed treatment, then the other window treatments do not have to match, just coordinate! So I only have to have two matching curtain set ups!
This is the finished product (well as soon as hubby fixes my attempt at hanging the rod,) :)
I combined a long ,cream, lace ,scarf with a smaller, red, valance/panel combo curtain and propped the mirror on the windowsill! Voila! I like it!!
And THREE decorating dilemmas solved in ONE, I like that, too!! :)
This post is linked at
Lovely! I am decoratively challenged so I love reading about others who have found solutions to decorating opportunities.
ReplyDeleteFound you on Raising Mighty Arrows link-up.
That's brilliant! What a great way to turn a decorating dilema into a beautiful spot! We're getting ready to move in August, and I'll try to keep your creative spirit in mind when I face my own decorating dilemas.
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up at Thrifty Thursday!
That is such creative thinking! I love what you did with something you already had--I definitely enjoy inspiration for re-purposing as that is not one of my strong points :) Thank you for linking up at Thrifty Thursday as well!